A total body workout combining the sequence of power vinyasa yoga with the added challenge of free weights, cardio and plyometric segments. These classes are just the right amount of intense to get you fired-up so you can dig deep — 60 minutes of heart-pumpin’ realness. Be ready to get sweaty.
FLEX - 30 min with weights Deadlifts w/ Alessandra
Time: 30 min
Equipment: Weights
Instructor: AlessandraA total body workout combining the sequence of power vinyasa yoga with the added challenge of free weights, cardio and plyometric segments. These classes are just the right amount of intense to get you fired-up so you can dig deep — find yo...
FLEX - 30 min no weights Shoulders & Legs w/ Katya
Time: 30 min
Equipment: None
Instructor: KatyaA total body workout combining the sequence of power vinyasa yoga with the added challenge of free weights, cardio and plyometric segments. These classes are just the right amount of intense to get you fired-up so you can dig deep — find your heart...
Live FLEX - "Boom" w/ Ace
Time: 60 min
Equipment: Weights
Instructor: AceA total body workout combining the sequence of power vinyasa yoga with the added challenge of free weights, cardio and plyometric segments. These classes are just the right amount of intense to get you fired-up so you can dig deep — find your hear...